Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Today we had a forum at BYU by a guy named Michael Wesch. I don't feel like looking up/telling you all his awesome credentials. Blah, blah he's a professor somewhere and collaborates with National Geographic. Super cool!

He lived in New Guinea for about 8 years...I can't remember why. Probs for Nat Geo. He talked about how he felt so humbled and lost this sense of self because his whole life his self was built up on media and telling people what he was up to on Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Being so far removed from the so-called social scene that media provides, he had to find himself again. And even though it was hard and so depressing, he focused on the beauty that there was in this. His capacity to learn was so much greater because he was humble and willing.

One day he was crying and went in the mountains by the village. Two guys walked up to him and by the time they reached him were also crying. And they had no idea why Michael was even crying! Because these people in New Guinea don't have social media to connect, ooobviously their ability to connect in person is astounding. There is so much empathy. He put it best: "When there is a shared vulnerability, then empathy blossoms." Isn't that beautiful?

And in our society, our ability for empathy is nearly lost. We're so used to sending our condolences or congratulations over Facebook or via text. What is up with that?!

He talked about savoring the now--where you are, the people you're with. And he shared a video of snowfall in New Zealand in a place where they hardly ever see snow. And it's so cool to see how people savor something so simple!

There is zest in every moment of our lives if we just find it.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Letting it happen.

I think sometimes I feel like I have the power to make things happen--and I do! But, sometimes you just have to let it happen, instead.

"You just do your best to give and to love those around you, and do what you love. Stay close to Heavenly Father. Gain confidence in yourself for your mission and for your career path. Find all those things.

And then, if someone wants to join in on everything good that you are, fantastic. And if not, you are happy and whole." --Shelby

Sometimes I over-think things. I dunno if this post is too personal or what. And I haven't even had a major break-up or anything. But I know the dating world out there is fierce. It's wild. It gets you down. It eats you up. You stay strong, my friends.

Also, newsflash! I'm going on a mission and I'm waiting ever so anxiously for my call! Faith is in the air around here. I'm on a path and the only place that is bright is where I'm standing and a step ahead. Two steps ahead is pure darkness. So I'm having faith.

Positive Psychology

I'M SORRY I'M OBSESSED WITH MY MAJOR. So. Just had to get that out there because I feel like I'll be talking about it a lot for the rest of my life. It will be my life.

There's this thing called positive psychology. The premise is that through the history of psychology, all that has been studied is disorders and how to alleviate symptoms or erase them all together through therapies, medications, etc. But what about those times where you're just living life and you wouldn't really classify yourself as having a mental disorder at the moment?

There's this guy, Martin Seligman, along with a few other psychologists that have been spearheading this question of "What causes authentic happiness? How can we make it grow?" According to lots of studies, happiness is 50% genetic, or your set range, 10% circumstantial, and 40% variable by choice. Therefore, some people are naturally more capable of being happy than others, that circumstances like having a constant love interest or a nice house will make you happy only for awhile, and that we actually have a choice of how happy we are. That's cool. I'll probs use those last few sentences in a paper sometime. I dunno.

So that's the basis. And there's this book that we are reading in one of my classes called Authentic Happiness by Seligman and he talks about how we can change our positive affectivity for the better by realizing our strengths--not to focus on our weaknesses, ever. Because your strengths will crowd out your weaknesses. Which is true! And I totally recommend taking the strengths test on the site. It's a definite eye-opener.

Remember Brene Brown and courage? When we see the beauty in ourselves and live whole-heartedly because we're not ashamed of who we are, then we are SO happy. So many different studies have proved this. Think about those people you know who are always down on themselves and don't love who they are...do you think they are happy? Is it easier or harder to go outside of themselves? You tell me.

My first day we had to read a couple chapters in Authentic Happiness and I could not STOP marking it up. I loved it so much. There are so many little gems of wisdom. Ready? OKAY LET'S GO.

"We all contain ancient strengths inside of us that we may not know about until we are truly challenged."

"Authentic happiness derives from raising the bar for yourself, not rating yourself against others."

"When we are happy, we are less self-focused, we like others more, and we want to share our good fortune even with strangers."

"The highest joys, it turns out, sometimes follow relief form our worst fears."

"Religions instill hope for the future and create meaning in life."

"Building strength and virtue is not about learning, training or conditioning, but about discovery, creation, and ownership."

Just read the dang book. There's sooo much more that I can't possibly quote because I'd just have to type the whole book. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO' THAT!

Good evening and good night!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.” – Carl Sagan


Lemme tell you something about America. I LOVE IT. The snow, the people, the mountains, the beds, the showers, the food, the people, the culture, the school, the adventure, the people. Some of these things I came to love because I didn't have them in China. Others of these things I came to love because I learned to appreciate that I had them in China and everywhere in my life. People mostly fit in this category. And adventure. What are the highlights so far?

Let's start with my major. You know you are in the right major when you can't even choose a favorite or least favorite class because you love it all! And I love the people in my classes. MAN, PEOPLE. Love 'em. And I get to volunteer for my major so I think I'm going to hang out with my homies at a nursing home down the street.

And the material in my classes! I can't get over it. It's all about happiness and how to create happiness especially through recreation and leisure. This is ground breaking stuff. I'll probs write a whole post dedicated to quotes in my text books, no lie.

Another highlight: Grandma Simmons. She's 94 (I think) and a delight to visit. I saw her the other day and I happened to be wearing a hat I crocheted that is bright and made with every color of the rainbow. She kept eying my hat and eventually mustered the courage to ask if I'd make one for her. She's so dang cute! This is the grandma that had bright green shaggy carpet. So. I think she'd love it.

I also went to my dear friend, Marissa's farewell. And her talk was PHENOMENAL. All about courage--having it to act, to accept yourself and others, etc. It was so touching and I know was felt in so many hearts. After, we all crowded around the piano and sang hymns. And I felt like we were all part of God's army. Which we are.

I dunno. I can't even begin to give all the reasons why life is great. And of course I get discouraged, but it's so GOOD. I look at the snowy mountains and think how grateful I am for every moment of life--right now.

And here's a pretty picture...I may or may not be here SOON.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Special Space

I had a chance to spend just a few moments in one of my favorite spaces on this Earth. I couldn't help but breathe in and out slowly and with care like I had done so many times treading those boards.

It was so powerful to be there again, breathe, look out, and remember what it was like looking out at those seats whether they were filled with family, friends, strangers or just completely empty--a place to release my whole heart, body, mind and soul to anyone who would take it.

And I remembered, I can experience this anywhere. And I have. This stage was only the beginning.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Spirit [spir-it]
n. an attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling, or action. With spirit, she had the courage to live life whole-heartedly.

1200–50; Middle English  (noun) < Latin spīritus  orig., a breathing, equivalent to spīri-,  combining form representing spīrāre  to breathe+ -tus  suffix of v. action


Give my time to those in need, visit cute old people, give goodies, make dinner for someone, write letters, visit friends...less time on the internet or doing nothing. Why not do the things worth doing?

Open my whole heart to everyone I come in contact with, say what I feel, be open minded

Share my talents more often

Change it if it's worth changing. Do it if it's worth doing. (As in, do the freaking SWEET stuff I have on my monthly bucket list)

Define each day with a quote/work of art/song

Keep my room CLEAN. Yeah...it's like I'm 5 still. But this'll bring the Spirit into my life.

I thought long and hard about what the word would be this year. My resolutions aren't necessarily record-able but these are things that I want to work on this year and need in my character. It's a little different! I feel like Spirit is all-encompassing for what I wanted. It went from Selfless to Charity to Courage and then finally to Spirit and it just worked with all that I wanted and for the things that I have in store for me this year. I've got some big and constant changes ahead and I need the the Lord's Spirit to guide me and my own guiding Spirit to motivate me to do the things I want to do with my time. Man. Life is GOOD.