Monday, April 23, 2012

no place like HOME

What's new? oh. I'm just home in good old KAYSVILLE. And I couldn't be more happy with that. Best friends. Singles Ward with attraaaactive men. Family. Animals. Nature. Ability to walk around at night (or day) without fear of getting kidnapped....or worse (EXPELLED!! Just channelling my inner Hermione). Life is good, my friends.

All my shoes are in a row. For now. But at least they are home!
and photo-shopped with a rad effect, eh?

Simba is glad to have me back. One day I just might be a crazy cat lady.

Oh, you know. Katie, Meg and I just did a little off-roadin.' Probably illegal...just how we like it!

Shelby made some delicious tin-foil dinners. After about 20 minutes of trying to start a fire, Sadie came to the rescue. We are STILL mountain-women.

It's good to be back. Summer has already been amazing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Something about being in good old Kaysville! It'll be good to be back this summer!
