Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Time to Ponder

Being done with school, I actually have time to think about things that aren't...academic. Here are my thoughts lately:

1) I'm really grateful for nature. And humanity. There's this path that I go for walks/runs/bike-rides on almost every morning and I love it when I'm just going my own way and say "Hi" to someone and they say something back or wave. There was this farmer out in his field and I smiled and waved and he just gave me the biggest, toothiest grin I've ever seen. And it made me so happy! And then today I was running with my dog and got talking with this older (super DANG fit) woman and our dogs played while we chatted. It was wonderful. 

2) Remember my goal not to buy any clothes this year? It's been kind of hard because clothes can be a fun creative outlet, you know? But every time I go shopping with my friends, I'm just not tempted to buy anything anymore. Plus, I hate shopping. Love clothes...hate the acquiring of them. It's made me grateful for the clothes I already have. I have been blessed! Some people only have a shirt on their backs. I have more than I ever really need. I've learned that nobody really cares if you are wearing THE latest fashion or trendiest accessory. And if they do care...what-freaking-ever.

3) Chocolate and sweets are GOOD. I tried to only have sweets on the weekends. Guess how long that lasted? A whole of...5 hours. Here's the deal. It's YUMMY and makes me happy. As long as I'm being active and caring about my body then it's a-okay!

4) Biggest Loser makes me cry. EVERY EPISODE.

5) Read the book Unbroken, it's a true story about an olympian who fought in WWII, survived being stranded the Pacific ocean on a raft for 50 days and then survived the cruelty of the Japanese as POW. Very powerful and inspiring.

6) HAILEY HAUGEN (now Divine) is on my mind. Love is real, my friends. It's out there. For awhile, I didn't believe in true love. We'll talk about it later. But here's a video that proves that true love is all around us.

...I couldn't figure out how to get the video on here. ://

7) Speaking of true love. I met this attractive man at church this week and he looks like every member of One Direction combined into one person. I'll let you know how it goes. :))

Just. Try and picture it for a second.


  1. Hahahaha. Everything about this is what I love.

    1. Everything about YOU is what I love. You just inspire me. :)

  2. i love you. and i love one direction. so girl. you snatch that guy right up. really.

    1. Girl. I may or may not be going to 2 farewells AND my normal sacrament meeting this next sunday just so I can see this guy. 1D foreverrrr. And I love you very much. And I'm excited to go to Cedar with you and see you all the time this summer. :)
