Being in China has made me so much more grateful to be from America. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE China so very very much. But, I am an AaaaaMURican through-and-through. I have fallen in love with America. Rather, I have discovered the love and the patriotism that was inside of me. And it's cool to see the parallels between my first year living in Provo and this time living in China. Last year I fell in love with Kaysville. This year I fell in love with America. It's funny the things I've taken for granted in life. And just because I miss one place, doesn't mean I can't be happy where I am at right now.
Right now I feel like I'm sort of in limbo in China. The end is drawing near and I've accomplished a lot and can see how much I've grown. I've been able to visit all the places I wanted (Almost, Terracotta Warriors next week!) and have had some sweeeet experiences. So now that all that has come to pass, the next big thing is going back--to school, to family, to being social, to yummy food. And the curve for growth is decreasing in acceleration (Calculus, anyone? As if I still remembered it. HA.). The excitement and discovery and uncertainty of this adventure is slowing to a stop.
I've settled into routine, and I don't like it one bit! I wake up, go to the cafeteria in my sweats and grab some rice balls and stuffed-with-nasty scones. I pick out the nasty and dip it all in honey. I get ready...which doesn't consist of much (I'M SO EXCITED TO GET LEGIT READY BACK IN AMERICA, IT'S INSANE!). I go to classes throughout the day (and love every second of it), eat some more at the cafeteria, and then I come home. Fill my time with SOMETHING. Reading, writing, knitting (Aaaaah, yeah. The things you manage to teach yourself when you're bored!), skyping, watching movies. At first I hated all this free-time. Sometimes I still do. BUT. This is probably the last of it I'll be getting for yeeeears. So I'm being grateful. THE POINT IS. We need something to make life exciting and rev it up again--just like we used knitting/crocheting to re-excite it a couple weeks ago, haha!
How do Maddy and I break this monotony? With FOOD. Lately, we've been skipping out on the nasty cafeteria food and making our own creations! We buy fresh produce down the street for really cheap. And it is wonderful! I feel so accomplished to provide for myself yummy, healthy food that makes me feel at home. We often stoop to fast food and Oreos to satisfy our American cravings but now we've been making stuff all on our own. Having good food really is a day-maker. Especially when you make it yourself. Last year when I was in college, my mom gave me advice that my Great Grandma Moonie gave her. And it is that wherever you are, whatever your financial situation, eat like you normally would. And then half of the pain of missing home or whatever is gone! Food really is such a strong link to home and comfort. MMM! I loooooove it!
Aaaaaaaaand, P.S. My camera broke. So. You're just gonna be seeing a lot of words. And I'm too lazy to find a corresponding picture/video on the internet. And I don't feel like waiting for my slow internet to upload this said picture or video.
I don't comment very often, but I love reading your blog McCall. What an adventure. My favorite line, "Just because I miss one place, doesn't mean I can't be happy where I am at right now." Bloom where you are planted. And you do! Looking forward to seeing you soon. Linda Francis