Saturday, December 15, 2012

Share YOU.

Continuing with my TED Talk OBSESSION, here's another! These are the perfect pick-me-ups and help me feel smart, especially since I've been away from school. TED Talks just make me feel so sophisticated and empowered. This one is so inspiring and goes along with a lot of my thoughts. Take a gander:

Why do we love? Why is it so important for us to love? Why can't we just sit around and do what we [assume we] want? What would happen if we all went about our daily lives without human interaction, without thinking about others, without loving? 

These are questions I've been studying in my mind for probably the past six months. After being stripped from all whom I loved and loved me and being plopped into a foreign country with people that I couldn't understand, I have come to learn how vital love is. We simply can't live without giving and receiving it.

I remember when us kids begged my parents for a dog and they told us we would have to remember to feed and water it and do all the little chores to take care of it--like something we call "poop patrol" which consists of picking up our dog's poop in the backyard. But, most importantly, they said we had to love our dog, or else the dog would die. 

And I think humans are just like that, too. We need love. It's what propels our lives.

But this love must be shown, or it is nothing. Shakespeare puts it best: "They do not love that do not show their love."

People are SO amazing. There is something worth discovering in everyone, and in order to do that we gotta step outside of ourselves and love. The human heart is more beautiful than any of us know. So here is a video to inspire you to share YOU. Because human interaction is such a blessing and enriches life.

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