-Favorite colors have always been blue and green.
-Despite my many cavities I've never understood why people don't like the dentist. I love it!
-I'm obsessed with journals.
-I paint and draw.
-When I was little, I would carry around graph paper and draw houses; I wanted to be an architect.
-I would move around my furniture in my room at least once a month....still do.
-I've always been a day dreamer. I didn't start paying attention in school until I was in 4th grade.
-I thought I was born in Africa.
-I was vegetarian for a while in Jr. High and High School.
-Always have been a little shy.
-Favorite movies as a child: "The Rescuers: Down Under," "The Lion King," "101 Dalmatians," and "Cats"...yes. the musical.
-I love cats.
-I would sing to my cats.
-My childhood imaginary friend was named Too Loo and she was from Africa. She wore a tiger-print toga and flew in a flying trolley. Her number was 444-4444.
-Make-believe was my favorite game.
-I love car and plane rides almost as much as I love the destination.
-One time, a mountain man came to my elementary school and then I decided I wanted to be a mountain man too. I just wouldn't kill any animals.
-I love old people. And young people. I just like people. And being outside.
I just had these random thoughts come to my mind and I thought I'd share! It's kinda mostly for me...I guess. But I think it's interesting to take a glimpse into people's lives and learn things I've never known.
This was fun Call! Some of these things I didn't even know about you! I never knew you wanted to be a mountain man--that's great!