This President Day Weekend was WONDERFUL. I went home to refresh myself, and it was just what I needed. I miss doing things I usually would do that I can't here in Provo because, a) I don't have a car to get me anywhere and b) even if I had a car, I can't go many places alone without fear of getting raped. One of my closest friends, Katie, and I hiked up Baer Canyon and found a rock with a view and had a picnic and painted pictures. And to top it all off, we listened to Indian (as in Native American) music. It was MAGIC. I loved getting in touch with nature and taking time for myself to feel and enjoy the world around me and to enjoy the friendship of someone so close to me.
That night my mom and I went to my grandparents house, which is always a treat. I love my grandparents very much and I aspire to be like them one day. They are so adventurous, always giving to others and expanding their talents. They always have a new project and I love it. In their home they have a family history room full of pictures, journals, letters and heirlooms. My mom and I held my great great great great (I think it's 4 greats) grandmother's fan that my great great great great grandpa gave to her when they went to their first dance together in 1888. It was so cool to be transported back in time just by holding that fan! We found loads of other things like my great grandfather composition book from 7th grade which was around 1920. It was so fun to read his stories and what his imagination thought up. I can't wait to meet my ancestors one day. :)
Yesterday, I finished reading The Hiding Place. This book. Seriously, there are no words. I just commend those people who sacrificed so much in order to save others because it was the right thing to do. Corrie ten Boom did everything in her power to save as many Jews as she could, knowing that she could be caught and pay highly for it, which she did. I just hope that I would have the courage and nobility to do as she did if I ever was in her position. And I hope one day I can meet her in heaven and thank her for her example. Even though she didn't directly save me, she kinda did in a way. Books are GOOD.
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