Creating a Good Life. This class is where I've been getting most of my gems and transferring them on to here. And here I am, with yet another topic to discuss. We're talking about the impact on media in creating a good life and having authentic happiness.
Guys. This is gonna be a long one but I promise it'll at least make you think.
Sometimes technology is great in the way it can connect us with loved ones miles away.
It also can create quite dire circumstances. A quote from the book, Hamlet's Blackberry,'s like....BOOM. Okay. I'm like scared to type it because it's so flipping true and I'm about to throw it out into the digital universe. And I also really don't know any other way to introduce it.
"....tethered to our screen."
Ouch. When you read that do you just feel like you're a sickly cow tied up against a fence post? I just. It's so dang true!!! How many times do I check my phone to see if I have a message or a call. I'm bored, thus I go on facebook. I'M RELIEVING MY BOREDOM THROUGH LOOKING AT A DIGITAL SCREEN. This is a great way to spend my life, people.
Most of us kiddos in my generation really don't know what it's like to be alone. Think about it. I decide to take a nice drive of solitude to a field or something and I'm all thinking I'm completely alone--when really I can connect with everyone I know by pushing a few buttons on my cellular device. And I find myself aching for someone to contact me or vice versa....but for some reason don't feel like I have the power to drive up to their house and found out how that person is really doing. Truly connecting with that person.
But really, how liberating is it when you go somewhere without your phone? No interuptions, no distractions. Just you and who you are with and where you are.
"Advertisements pitch everything form cars to cola as instruments of self-expression and liberation, though they're really the opposite. Be a rebel, wear the shoes everyone else is wearing.
I still struggle to ignore these messages. But when I succeed at standing apart, the payoff is enormous, and not just in a selfish way. The best kind of aloneness is expansive and generous. To enjoy your own company is to be at ease not just with yourself but with everyone and everything in the universe. When you're inwardly content, you don't need others to prop you up, so you can think about them more freely and generously. Paradoxically enough, separation is the way to empathy. In solitude we meet not just ourselves but all other selves, and it turns out we hardly knew them."
How many times have I been like, "If I just have this shirt that everyone has, it will be a nice outward expression of who I am." Something along those lines happened in my head. What?
And I feel like I am "connecting" with people as I look at their pictures on facebook about their trip to wherever or that date with whoever. Whatever happened to actually asking someone first-handedly? Or Pinterest. I know I have lots of projects where I think it would be fun...but what about actually doing them? The nerve.
"In less connected times, human beings were forced to shape their own interior sense of identity and worth--to become self-sufficient. By virtue of its interactivity, the digital medium is a source of constant confirmation that, yes, you do indeed exist and matter."
A lot of the time, I feel like who I am on the internet defines who I am--the pictures I share, my blog posts. Although these things aren't bad, sometimes I feel a sense of loss of who I am when I think about what people see on my profile. Does anyone else experience this phenomenon? It's a sad truth I hate to admit, but I feel validated whenever I get a comment or a like.
I'm not condemning the use of screens. But, I want to allow myself space between times of screen. This way I can really, truly take advantage of the connectedness that does happen in the digital universe. But it can't be appreciated if the chance isn't given. Give yourself some space.
Twice up the barrel, once down the side, my friends.
P.S. This post is dedicated to Kira Johnson because she is like a walking testimony of this concept. Hi, I love you.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
I try so hard. Every year it's a struggle and I'm DONE. I try. And try. And TRY GOSH DANGIT.
But I can't seem to pretend I like the cold for too long. Spring just starts a-callin' and I'm like "Be there soon in my shorts (now knee length! Once I find some....curses world standards of fashion!) and un-showered hair in my car with the windas rolled down." Seriously. Laying outside, lemonade, parades, camping, hikes, playing in the sun, warm blue nights, warmth in general, can't come soon enough!
Luuuuckily, my Dad was kind enough to take us crazy kids along to St. George with him this weekend while he golfed. Love that guy.
And I love St. George.
But I can't seem to pretend I like the cold for too long. Spring just starts a-callin' and I'm like "Be there soon in my shorts (now knee length! Once I find some....curses world standards of fashion!) and un-showered hair in my car with the windas rolled down." Seriously. Laying outside, lemonade, parades, camping, hikes, playing in the sun, warm blue nights, warmth in general, can't come soon enough!
Luuuuckily, my Dad was kind enough to take us crazy kids along to St. George with him this weekend while he golfed. Love that guy.
And I love St. George.
Jumpin' in Mini-Moab |
I hope one day to have a love like their's. |
My cute bro. |
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Forever family. |
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The sun just makes me wanna be artsy? |
Friday, February 15, 2013
Dumas is my Valentine
Guys, today was the best Valentine's Day. Usually I pretend it's a normal day and maaaaybe remember to wear some pink. But then I read this and realized that Valentine's doesn't have to be about loving my romantic love interest (who is currently non-existant. HI CITIZENS OF SOUTH CAROLINA!), but I can make a special effort to love everyone. Strangers, friends, classmates, family. And it turned out to be such a fulfilling day talking to strangers and also people I know (don't worry) and creating deeper bonds with them than I normally do.
What else made today special? Weeeell. Some friends and I resolved that we're sick of not being able to read for leisure during school so we started a book club. Now we have to read books we like! And it's nice to escape to fun little cafes like Cafe on 1st.
For January we read The Count of Monte Cristo. Mmm. Amazing book. If you haven't read it, I suggest you should. Even if you can't read. Have someone read it to you, it's that good. Emma would take it on a deserted island with her and nothing else. Not even food.
What else made today special? Weeeell. Some friends and I resolved that we're sick of not being able to read for leisure during school so we started a book club. Now we have to read books we like! And it's nice to escape to fun little cafes like Cafe on 1st.
For January we read The Count of Monte Cristo. Mmm. Amazing book. If you haven't read it, I suggest you should. Even if you can't read. Have someone read it to you, it's that good. Emma would take it on a deserted island with her and nothing else. Not even food.
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Laughing and eating curry. |
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Treated myself to an awesome 'do today! |
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Love it when we talk literature--and life. |
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Huggin' Trees
Let me tell you a little known fact about me. Actually, I don't know how little known it is. BUT. Whatever. I love this earth and I think it's super important we take care of it.
Let me tell you what brought up this tree-huggin' thing today though. In my text book I read that if you put all the pavement in the world together, it would take up 38 BILLION FOOTBALL FIELDS. No. True story. Down with deforestation.
I actually was vegetarian for a year. Not for health reasons but to SAVE THE ANIMALS!!! Then I started craving meat and I was like whhhaaaa?? And my mom showed me scriptures of how the beasts of the earth and fowls of the air were for our consumption. Halright. And now I love all meats and steaks and burgers and chickens.
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Muir Woods |
AND. Daily, Americans consume 120 pounds of stuff. That's like...3/4 of me a day--you don't have to do the math. Like. Really. Just believe it's like 3/4 of me. Crazy stuff right?
I just believe that this Earth has a soul. And it feels. And it gives a lot to us. So I wanna focus even more on giving back.
Monday, February 11, 2013
spring swaps snow for leaves
Don't you hate/love it when Mumford and the gang are right?
"Winter Winds"
As the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts
Oh the warmth in your eyes swept me into your arms
Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night?
For every kiss your beauty trumped my doubt
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"
We'll be washed and buried one day my girl
And the time we were given will be left for the world
The flesh that lived and loved will be eaten by plague
So let the memories be good for those who stay
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no"
Yes, my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"
Oh the shame that sent me off from the God that I once loved
Was the same that sent me into your arms
Oh and pestilence is won when you are lost and I am gone
And no hope, no hope will overcome
And if your strife strikes at your sleep
Remember spring swaps snow for leaves
You'll be happy and wholesome again
When the city clears and sun ascends
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no"
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"
Sometimes, your heart or spirit just knows when your mind doesn't.
strangers and all things that are good.
First off, it is one of the best things to exchange smiles with a stranger on campus. Or just anywhere.
Also delightful when random stranger stops you and asks for your number. I'm not bragging. THISNEVERHAPPENSTOME. Hilarious. Made my day. What didn't make my day was the fact he was shorter than me. :/ Eh. Counts for something!
Another thing I'd like to bring to your attention: we work waaay too much in our society. In one of my classes we've been discussing how America needs to take back it's time and slooooow down. And whenever we do something leisurely we feel guilty because we feel like we're not being productive.
Let me tell you something. By law, people in Europe get AT LEAST four weeks of vacation per year. America? One. One lousy week. Guess who is more productive? Youuuu guessed it.
Let's have some commentary on a few quotes in my textbook, shall we?
"Even the majority of slaves in the ancient world and serfs during the Middle Ages did not work as hard, as regularly, or as long as we do."
WAT. All these years I thought that serfs and peasants and things worked like crazy. Nope, that's us.
"If you want your dreams to grow, take your time, go slowly,
Do few things but do them well, simple gifts are holy."
Amen and amen. Simplicity my friends. That is what makes you savor.
"There is a teaching we call Shabbat ('Sabbath') and comes from the Hebrew verb for pausing or ceasing. In Exodus 20:8-11, the reason given for the Sabbath is to recall Creation; in Deuteronomy 5:12-15, it is to free all of us from slavery."
How cool is that? I love the phrase "recall Creation." Why do you think it's called REcreation? Because we are recreating something and using our gift to create.
"Human life is primarily qualitative. It consists of thinking, knowing, communing, loving, serving, and giving rather than in having or enjoying. Its supreme demand is that we should know more and love more, and that we should strive to know the best that is to be known and to love the best that is to be loved."
Just beautiful. The book continues to describe how we work in order to have or enjoy. Really, working should just be a means to leisure. Beautiful. This is like the worst predicament for American society. We could even get out of debt if we worked 6 hours! Think about it. And we would have a better sense of community. And less depression. Less expectations of ourselves. Less all things that are bad.
We can talk more deeply about it sometime if you like. I'd love to.
Now, all things that are good:
Friday, February 8, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Called To Serve Him.
I have been called to serve in the South Carolina Columbia Mission and I leave May 29th!!
I am thrilled to be going there and I know that is exactly where the Lord wants me to be. I couldn't be any happier. I was surrounded by so many friends and family and I am so grateful for them in my life.
Also, South Carolina is beautiful.
I's not too ugly, either.
P.S. My mission pres? Jef Holm's dad. Holla.
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