In China, I was lucky to have an entire week of Thanksgiving!! Just...lookin' on the bright side of it all--of course I missed my family like crazy. This week was a great one, though. We taught our students what Thanksgiving is and the importance of gratitude. We had the little kids make turkeys and label each feather with something they are grateful for. Of course, there were the given things like mom, dad, family, friends, China, food. But I loved to see the creative ones my kids came up with, like God, tomorrow, teacher, and the earth. These kids really have the Spirit of Thanksgiving inside of them. It was so sweet to see. I'm so thankful for my students' example of love. I don't think I could've survived this experience with out them.

On actual Thanksgiving day I ate Campbell's chicken noodle soup that we got in Hong Kong. Mmmmmmmm. I was just thankful for American food. Plus, we decided to celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend. So it was alllll good in da hood.
So Saturday we visited the city and hit up KFC and got our favorite Sichuan Chicken Sandwich. Yum. Spicy. But good enough. And we walked around and sat down on the edge of a river looking at all the small Chinese houses scrunched together when a cute old lady, around 60, came up to us and started talking to us in Chinese. I could kinda guess what she was asking--the usual "where are you from? How many people in your family? How old are you? What are you doing in China?" And I could answer in my broken Chinglish but mostly I could just say "ting bu dong" which is "I don't understand." She then pointed to her head and my head and said "ting bu dong" and then pointed to our hearts and said "ting da dong." And I truly felt a connection with her, like we understood each other. I am so thankful for little experiences like that. And I'm really excited for that day when I get to see her again and we WILL be able to understand each other and remember that day sitting on the edge of the river.