So, obviously I'm super good at this whole blogging thing....I'm so on top of it....riiiiight. Life is busy k?! But life has been good. Here's the low-down:
College generally makes you feel stupid. Just throwing that out there. Everyone else is SO stinkin' smart! My first couple of tests I got C's. Yeah. I got C's. And of course I called my mom crying and she, being the wise person she always is, said that the only way for us to grow if it's a challenge. And this is something I've always known, but something I forget. Mother knows best....right!?
I love my roommates. I love my ward. I'm making good friends. GOOOOD friends ;) you know...good friends. Hahaha....yeah....Loving it. It's a party. I still feel lonely even though I'm meeting so many people. Tonight was good because I got to go out to dinner with Shelby. It was woooonderful to be with someone so close and dear to me. I love you!
I love theater. With a passion. It is my passion. But I was raised to choose a career that was practical and would support me if I ever needed it. So naturally I would always push theater out of my mind whenever I considered it as a career or even just a major. But THEN my mom has brought it up a few times that I should consider it, which I thought was rather shocking to hear that from her! This past weekend she brought it up again, and I though to myself, "hmmm...maybe I should look into this." I did research, looked up what it would take and BAM, I need to send in my audition tape in less than a freaking month. Here's my window of opportunity! But I still wasn't sure if it was really right for me, even though I wanted theater sooo badly. Then, everything just began to fall into place. Sunday, Sacrament was on personal revelation. PERFECT. Just what I need during this decision time. Then I went to the temple with my roommates, Iris and Shayne, and I prayed and prayed and read my patriarchal blessing. As I was reading, things were jumping out at me, screaming for me to at least audition for MDT. After I finished reading my blessing, the Spirit whispered to me: open the scriptures to Alma. Well alright! I open my scriptures to Alma 56. And you know what it says? "We do not doubt, our mothers knew it." Alright! I know what I need to do! And the spirit was so strong. I felt so good. And scared. But peaceful. I called my mom up and I just bawled, to be honest. So I'm jumping in. The odds are...insane. 16/150 chance I'll get in, but I've beaten those odds before. I can surely do it again!!! Especially if it's where I need to be. And if I don't make it in, it was an experience I needed to help me grow. After all, you still learn in the audition process. God works in awesome ways. :)
Along the same lines, I was on campus one day last week.and I had some extra time. And something told me (it was probably the Spirit, let's be real) that I should go to the HFAC and check out the theater audition board. So I go check it out, and they are having auditions for Love's Labour's Lost! And before I knew it, I had a pen in my hand and I was writing my name down on that audition sign-up. It was like my body was taking over my mind!!!! And then I had this huge adrenaline rush. And then I went to find monologues immediately. I'm so excited! So then, it's Saturday right? And I see that there is a workshop/lecture for the audition at the same time as the football game. And let's be honest, I kinda was planning on going to the game. But then, everyone that I would've gone to the game with was busy. IT'S A SIGN!!!! Hahaha...or at least I just decided, "Welp! I'm going to that lecture." And let me was. phenomenal. It was by Kym Mellen who was in the Shakespeare Festival at SUU this summer. I got to hold her Richard III script! Freakin' amazing. She talked about how Shakespeare was performed back in the day of the dear old Elizabethans and then she talked about using that information to help us find textual clues in the First Folios of Shakespeare. Every punctuation mark, change in spelling, difference in iambic pentameter acts as a clue of how Shakespeare meant for the text to be performed. IT WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER! It was 4 hours long....and the sad thing is, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. That's saying something.
And the stars are aligned, because all of the sudden I have all this time to practice my audition materials. Time I didn't have before. Coincidence? Just sayin.'